Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Games GDD

Games GDD

In the magazine Design Considerations by Greg Aleknevicus he gives us a list of his ideas and suggestions that he thinks increase a games appeal to the audience or buyer. He goes through components of games and outlines simple tips and different ways to make a game more enjoyable to play, for example he explains how the game creator for board games should use different colours and shapes for the pieces. He describes how the games should be played out properly and there should be no clutter so the players can play more easily. In card games Greg says how the cards should have the number of the card on each corner so that you don't have to keep switching the cards around in your hand as this is annoying for the player. He briefly goes through the themes of games and also many different rules. 

This is a link to a website which helps you in creating your own board game, although it comes with a fee.

This is a small article showing 6 must knows on making a board game.

Here is another article written by a man who loves board games. He shares his methods on creating one.

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