Thursday, December 6, 2018

Unity free tutorials

Unity free tutorials

So this week I have been so busy with college work like creating a magazine, a short video, a website and my group project so that I only had time to complete one Unity tutorial however it was a useful one and I learned more on how to build my game, Air hockey. So far I have created the hockey table and I am enjoying the process. This is the tutorial I followed on youtube, I found it easy to follow and the narrator is easy to understand albeit the foreign accent.

I learned how to add a puck and barriers and got the paddle to move using the mouse so the player can hit the puck in the game. I also utilised Unitys built in physics for the movement of the puck. There was a bit of c sharp in this tutorial which  completed without any hassle. I am enjoying these tutorials and will be watching and completing the rest of them whilst making my own changes of course to make the game my own.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Games testing

Game testing

Personally for me when I try to give constructive criticism I tend to be shy and not really pick out flaws in peoples work or let them know what I would do differently or how they can improve. I feel like everyones work flow works differently and if they feel like their particular piece of work works for them then thats cool who am I to tell them differently. I do however understand that constructive criticism is very useful to people when given in the right way. We all know that person that just speaks their mind with no filter. In reading 'Giving criticism - the good, the bad, and the ugly!' I learned that the only way to criticise without causing a fuss is to use constructive criticism.
I found this article interesting and useful as it tells you how to give proper constructive criticism, why it can be a good thing and some examples. Constructive criticism is the act of finding a flaw in something and providing possible fixes or how to do it better. - Tips on how to give constructive criticism.